Ada yang menuding di bawah Qaddafi Libya sangat miskin. Namun berbagai berita di media yang kredibel membantahnya:
Jika Libya Miskin, kenapa lebih dari 1,6 juta warga asing bisa kerja di sana (termasuk dari Indonesia) padahal jumlah penduduk Libya hanya 6 juta jiwa.
Summary foreigners work in Libya: 1.5 million from Egypt, 60,000 Bangladesh, 30,000 China, 30,000 Filipinos, 30,000 Tunisia, 23,000 Thais and also other workers from US, France, German, etc:
Artinya pekerjaan dgn gaji tinggi berlimpah di sana.
Libya termasuk negara termakmur mengungguli Italia, Singapura, Korsel, Spanyol, dan Selandia Baru. Pendidikan gratis. Jumlah penduduk yg bisa baca tulis paling tinggi di Afrika.
From Wikipedia about Libya:
In the early 1980s, Libya was one of the wealthiest countries in the world; its GDP per capita was higher than that of developed countries such as Italy, Singapore, South Korea, Spain and New Zealand.
Basic education in Libya is free for all citizens, and compulsory to secondary level. The literacy rate is the highest in North Africa; over 82% of the population can read and write.
Libya’s higher education is mostly financed by the public budget
Harga Bensin murah, cuma Rp 1500/liter: Gasoline price in Libya only US$ 0.17/litre. Much lower than US (US$ 1/litre):
Gasoline is not the only product with low price in Libya
Sungai Buatan Manusia Terbesar:
Jika Libya Miskin, kenapa lebih dari 1,6 juta warga asing bisa kerja di sana (termasuk dari Indonesia) padahal jumlah penduduk Libya hanya 6 juta jiwa.
Summary foreigners work in Libya: 1.5 million from Egypt, 60,000 Bangladesh, 30,000 China, 30,000 Filipinos, 30,000 Tunisia, 23,000 Thais and also other workers from US, France, German, etc:
Artinya pekerjaan dgn gaji tinggi berlimpah di sana.
Libya termasuk negara termakmur mengungguli Italia, Singapura, Korsel, Spanyol, dan Selandia Baru. Pendidikan gratis. Jumlah penduduk yg bisa baca tulis paling tinggi di Afrika.
From Wikipedia about Libya:
In the early 1980s, Libya was one of the wealthiest countries in the world; its GDP per capita was higher than that of developed countries such as Italy, Singapore, South Korea, Spain and New Zealand.
Basic education in Libya is free for all citizens, and compulsory to secondary level. The literacy rate is the highest in North Africa; over 82% of the population can read and write.
Libya’s higher education is mostly financed by the public budget
Harga Bensin murah, cuma Rp 1500/liter: Gasoline price in Libya only US$ 0.17/litre. Much lower than US (US$ 1/litre):
Gasoline is not the only product with low price in Libya
Sungai Buatan Manusia Terbesar:
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